Specialist Greeting Card Supplier to shops, wholesalers and high street chains

Dedicated Trade Only website for fast and convenient ordering.

Since 2009 Davora Greeting Cards has helped retailers across the UK and beyond reach new customers from an increasingly diverse population. We’ve helped our customer understand their local demographics, and therefore better understand their own customers’ needs. By catering to smaller communities our customers have increased footfall into their own shops, helping sales across their ranges and becoming recognised locally for stocking cards for all occasions, however niche.
We publish greeting cards for festivals and occasions that are becoming more mainstream every year. From Eid to Diwali, Chinese New Year to Jewish New Year, Welsh cards to Thanksgiving and many more – there’s something for everyone. But we’re more than just publishers. We help our customers to really understand the occasions and communities, so that their shop floor staff can sell with confidence. Not sure of your local demographics? No problem, we can help with that too. Get in touch to see how we can help you increase footfall in your store.
Selling cards for different cultures doesn’t need to a challenge. We’ve helped hundreds of customers over the years to understand their local communities, be educated on the intricacies of ethnic and minor season occasions, and ultimately increase footfall into their shops.
Our in-house designers spend a lot of time on research, ensuring we publish cards that are appropriate, relevant and attractive for both senders and receivers across all cultures, east and west. That’s why we have so many repeat customers!
Our flagship brand has become synonymous with cards for niche and diverse occasions.
All our Pili Pala cards are written in Welsh, with English translations on the reverse.
A range of Polish language cards, with English translations on the reverse.